Alarm in Russia: attack on Moscow reported

The governor of Russia’s Kaluga region, Vladislav Shapsha, reports that local air defenses shot down a drone over the Ferzikovoa district at 2:30 a.m. local time. This reportsThe Kyiv Independent.

Shapsha further explained, “There are no consequences for people and infrastructure.” Unlike in previous months, such incidents are reported not only on the Russian-Ukrainian border, but also further inland. For example, the center of the district, Ferzikovo, is more than 300 kilometers from Ukraine.

Already on August 6, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin reported, around 11 a.m. local time, that a drone had been shot down on its way to Moscow. In response, flights were diverted to other airfields “for security reasons,” The Kyiv Independent continues, citing the Russian news agency Tass. There had also been restrictions on aircraft taking off and landing at Vnukovo International Airport, located 30 kilometers southwest of Moscow city center.

This information comes from a party to the conflict and has not been independently verified and/or confirmed. For this reason, they are to be evaluated with reservations.

Image:, Putin and Shoigu (2022-08-15), CC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons (no changes made)

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