Avdiivka’s Last Stand: City on Brink of Falling to Russian Forces

Russia Intensifies Attacks on Avdiivka. Ukraine Faces Critical Decision: Will This Strategically Important City Fall?

The city of Avdiivka, located near the Russian-controlled Donetsk capital in Donbass, is currently at the center of multiple Russian assaults in the Ukraine war, reports FOCUS online. Military experts assess the situation as critical for Ukraine. Gustav Gressel from the European Council on Foreign Relations told “Welt am Sonntag” that Ukrainians need to keep Russian losses high and their own low over the winter to prepare for the next spring. Particularly problematic in Avdiivka is the railway line, as further Russian dominance there would complicate Ukraine’s supply routes.

High Likelihood of Avdiivka Falling

Markus Reisner, a commander in the Austrian Federal Army who regularly analyzes the war’s progress, sees a high probability of Ukraine losing Avdiivka unless there is a miraculous counterattack, such as one by the 47th Mechanized Brigade of Ukraine, FOCUS online reports. International observers, including the Institute for the Study of War in the USA (ISW), have confirmed the intense fighting in Avdiivka. Russian troops are attempting to encircle Ukrainian defenders in the city. The wet autumn weather is currently complicating combat for both sides, as reported by the British Ministry of Defense.

One Option Left for Avdiivka

According to the report, the city of Avdiivka could fall under sustained Russian attacks unless Ukraine mounts a decisive counteroffensive. The current situation reflects the ongoing intensity of the conflict in Ukraine and highlights the strategic significance of Avdiivka in the context of the continued war.

Image: Archive, Donetsk Regional Military Civil Administration, 2nd school of Avdiivka after Russian shelling, 2023-02-25 (01), CC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons, (no changes made)

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