Central Council with message: Jews in Germany feel more threatened

The Central Council of Jews in Germany reports that Jews in Germany feel increasingly threatened.

According to the president of the Central Council of Jews, Josef Schuster, more and more Jews feel more threatened because anti-Semitism has increased overall. He told the German newspaper “Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung” that it was noticeable “that at the moment we have considerably more people coming to the Palestinian demonstrations in Germany”.

He also said he had the impression that some of the people who had come to the country since 2015 and initially behaved inconspicuously were now ready to take to the streets and become violent.

Right-wing extremist anti-Semitism as “most dangerous”

Furthermore, the president of the Central Council calls right-wing extremist anti-Semitism the “most dangerous” in Germany. At the same time, the problem of anti-Semitic attitudes among Muslim migrants is “obviously getting bigger” To this end, however, it must be noted that “the people of Arab origin who come to Germany have been taught anti-Israel distorted images every day in the schools of their homeland.” They apparently hear nothing else at home, President Schuster continues.

As a consequence, he calls for harsher punishment for chanting anti-Semitic slogans at demonstrations. “I expect tougher punishments and am disillusioned that the judiciary has so far treated such statements more like petty offenses. I believe this is where the judiciary has the crucial task and also the opportunity to act as a deterrent,” he adds.

Image: Ingo Joseph, CC0 license, via Pexels (no changes made)

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