Deployment of tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus continues

According to the Russian news agency TASS, Russia continues to deploy tactical nuclear weapons in neighboring Belarus.

This reported TASS refers here to Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov, who said: “The deployment of tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus is being carried out in accordance with the schedule mentioned by the Russian President. Several stages have already been completed in terms of creating the relevant infrastructure and refitting the relevant aircraft carriers. This work will continue.”

More news on the Ukraine conflict:

According to a new study by the Kiel Institute for the World Sciences, Europe is significantly outpacing the U.S. in Ukraine aid. In the period covered up to July 31, the value of the total volume pledged by European donors added up to 156 billion euros compared with just under 70 billion euros from the U.S., the reported “For the first time since the war began, the U.S. is now clearly lagging behind.” The main reason can be identified as the EU’s so-called Ukraine Facility of 50 million euros. IfW expert Christoph Trebesch said, “It is remarkable how quickly Europe has moved to a permanent, multi-year support program for Ukraine.”

Meanwhile, Russia continues to bombard the Ukrainian port city of Ismajil on the Danube. As reported that port infrastructure, a grain silo and administrative buildings were damaged. This was stated by the governor of the southern Ukrainian region of Odessa, Oleh Kiper.

Image:, Lukashenko-Putin meeting (2022-09-26) 02, CC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons (image size modified)

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