Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanow has acknowledged Russia’s dependence on Chinese military aid.
“Essentially, all our drones come from the People’s Republic of China,” said the minister, as reported by Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland, during a session of the budget committee of the Russian parliament. The West has imposed extensive sanctions against Russia, which particularly complicate the import and construction of civilian and military drones. However, China had already indicated in the spring that it wants to control the export of so-called dual-use goods to Russia. These goods can be used both civilly and militarily. The Chinese Ministry of Commerce has also imposed restrictions from September on the export of civilian long-range missiles that could be used for “non-peaceful purposes”. According to reports from Russian and Ukrainian media, these commercial drones are often modified by both sides for use in war – their importance for the war is considered high.
Putin has arrived in China
Meanwhile, Russian President Vladimir Putin has arrived at the Silk Road Summit in China. During the international summit for a new investment and infrastructure project, he will also meet Chinese President Xi Jinping. China is considered an important partner of Russia and has consistently provided the country with backing concerning the attack on Ukraine.
Image: Mostafa Tehrani, 61-پهپاد ایران- آرش, CC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons, (no changes made)