For weeks, Ukraine’s counteroffensive against the Russian invaders has been ongoing. The results are being viewed with mixed feelings. According to the assessment of former British Defense Minister Ben Wallace, a significant battle could be imminent.
On the short messaging service Network X, Jason Jay Smart, a correspondent for the Kyiv Post, writes: “Former British Defense Minister Ben Wallace has stated that the battle for Crimea is imminent. There are many signs on the Crimean peninsula indicating that the people are waiting for liberation from Russian occupation,” Smart said in the corresponding post. He then posts images, presumably from Crimea, showing a Ukrainian flag, a wall spray-painted in yellow and blue, and a yellow sticky note. “The first one says, ‘Yalta is Ukraine’,” explains Smart. Yalta is a resort city and a popular tourist destination located on the southern coast of the Crimea Peninsula, which was illegally annexed by Russia in 2014.
Image:, Совещание по развитию дальневосточных городов (2023-03-14) 02, CC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons (image size modified)