Explosion in Crimea: Attack targets Russian military base

There has apparently been an explosion near Sevastopol, a port city in Crimea occupied by Russia, according to videos (click here for the video). That shared the German news website n-tv.de with.

It is reported that a Russian military base was hit. However, Mikhail Razvoshev, the Moscow-appointed governor of Sevastopol, announced on his Telegram channel that Russia had thwarted a missile attack on the city. “According to current information, our air defenses have repelled a missile attack on Sevastopol,” his statement said. He stressed that the situation in the city is calm. An investigation is underway to determine whether there is damage from falling debris from averted missiles and possible casualties.

This information comes from a party to the conflict and has not yet been independently verified / confirmed. For this reason, the report must be evaluated with reservations. In war, it can be advantageous for parties to make false statements about the course of the conflict in order to strengthen their own position or weaken the position of the opponent.

Image: kremlin.ru, Совещание с постоянными членами Совета Безопасности, CC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons (image size modified)

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