Ukraine has attacked Russia’s Sochi airport near the Black Sea, according to “unofficial” information. This reports the German news website with reference to Ukrainian media, which cites intelligence sources.
According to the report, the attack was a mission of the military intelligence. The resort of Sochi, located 800 kilometers from Ukrainian-controlled territory, is Russia’s most important seaside resort. Russian President Vladimir Putin regularly conducts official business there. refers to information from the Russian Defense Ministry. Moscow informs that an enemy drone was shot down over the Krasnodar Territory. Sochi is part of this administrative region.
Yesterday, Sunday, drone attacks were also reported in the Russian regions of Smolensk and Belgorod.
This information comes from a party to the conflict and has not yet been independently verified and/or confirmed. For this reason, they are to be evaluated with reservations. In war, it can be advantageous for parties to the conflict to deliberately disseminate false information in order to strengthen their own position or to weaken that of the opponent.
Image: Presidential Executive Office of Russia, Visit to joint staff of military branches involved in special military operation 04, CC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons (image size modified)