London launches Typhoons: Russian fighter jets near Scotland

According to London, two Russian fighter jets were intercepted by British fighter jets north of the Scottish Shetland Islands on Monday. This reports the German news website referring to the British Minister of State for the Armed Forces, James Heappey.

“Pilots took off in their Typhoon jets this morning to intercept and monitor two Russian long-range bombers as they passed north of the Shetland Islands,” Heappey said. The incident occurred “within NATO’s northern air surveillance areas,” according to Heappey.

At the same time, the Russian Ministry of Defense declared that a Norwegian reconnaissance aircraft had been intercepted near the Russian border on the same day. According to the statement, the Boeing P-8A “Poseidon” aircraft approached the airspace over the Barents Sea near the Russian border. Further, the Russian Defense Ministry states that a MiG-29 fighter jet was deployed to prevent “a violation of the borders of the Russian Federation.” “When the Russian fighter jet approached, the foreign military aircraft made a U-turn,” one explains from Moscow.

Already the day before, there had been reports that Russian bombers had entered Dutch airspace.

Image:, Vladimir Putin (2023-02-09), CC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons, (no changes made)

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