“No interest in further territorial conquest”: Putin talks about Ukraine conflict

Russian President Vladimir Putin has once again spoken out about his intentions in Ukraine. He stated that the attack on the neighboring country is about “principles.”

According to n-tv.de, Putin said at the Waldai Forum in Sochi that the Russian offensive in Ukraine is “not a territorial conflict.” He emphasized, “Russia is the largest country in the world in terms of territory, and we have no interest in acquiring additional territory.” Putin firmly stated that Russia is not attempting to “establish a regional geopolitical balance” in Ukraine but rather, it is about “principles of the new international order.” He indicated that the refusal to adhere to these principles, one of which is “a balance in the world where no one can unilaterally compel others to live or behave as a hegemon pleases,” is the cause of conflicts, referring to the West.

More news on the Ukraine conflict:

According to the Russian Ministry of Defense, as reported by n-tv.de, eight Ukrainian drones were shot down by air defense units over the Russian regions of Belgorod and Kursk. The Ministry stated, “The attempt by the Kiev regime to carry out a terrorist attack with an aircraft-like drone on objects within the territory of the Russian Federation has been thwarted,” on its Telegram online service.

Image: Kremlin.ru, Владимир Путин (27-04-2023), CC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons (image size modified)

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