Palestinian President Abbas soon to visit Putin?

According to Russian media reports, the President of Palestine, Mahmoud Abbas, plans to travel to Russia for discussions soon.

As the German news platform WELT reported, the Russian news agency RBC quoted the Palestinian ambassador in Moscow as saying, “It has been agreed that Mr. Abbas will come to Moscow.” Both sides are reportedly in daily contact with each other. “We are waiting for an official statement from the Kremlin, from the Russian side, as to when the visit will take place,” it continued. The last meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Abbas took place on the sidelines of a national conference a year ago in Kazakhstan. According to Russian media reports, Abbas was last in Russia two years ago.

More news on the Israel conflict:

According to a Hamas representative, only a small circle within the group’s leadership was privy to the plans for the major terrorist attacks on Israel, the German news platform  WELT reported. A member of the group’s leadership living in exile, Ali Barakeh, told the AP news agency that the attacks were planned by about six Hamas commanders. “Only a handful of Hamas commanders knew about Zero Hour,” Barakeh explained.

Image:, Совещание по развитию дальневосточных городов (2023-03-14) 02, CC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons (image size modified)

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