Putin’s Crimea Blunder: Moscow’s Troop Mobilization Plan Collapses

In a striking revelation, Kyiv exposes Moscow’s unsuccessful conscription efforts in occupied Crimea, alongside raising the alarm over potential mistreatment of POWs.

Kyiv has brought to light the faltering ambitions of Moscow in its bid to draft troops from the occupied territory of Crimea for its offensive in Ukraine. As detailed by Ukraine’s National Resistance Center, established by the nation’s special forces, Russia’s endeavors to conscript soldiers from Crimea hit a stumbling block. A significant reason being a considerable number of residents fleeing the peninsula to avoid the draft, rendering Moscow’s recruitment strategy ineffective, as reported by the Daily Express.

Moreover, the Ukrainian center labels Russia’s conscription attempts in these territories as an “international crime.” It vehemently urges the public to disclose any collaboration with Russia. Notably, it was underscored that Moscow commenced its recruitment drives in Crimea even before its 2022 incursion, a blatant breach of international law.

ISW Sounds Alarm on POW Misuse: Russia Accused of Grave Geneva Conventions Violations

Raising another red flag, the Institute for the Study of War (ISW) voiced apprehensions regarding the possibility of the Russian military coercing Ukrainian prisoners of war into battling for Moscow on Ukrainian soil. Such actions would be in stark violation of the Geneva Conventions. Furthermore, the Daily Express quoted White House spokesperson John Kirby, who condemned Russia for the alleged execution of its defiant soldiers and intimidating military units with fatal consequences should they retreat. Kirby denounced these acts as “deplorable.”

Image: Kremlin.ru, Vladimir Putin (2022-08-09) 2 (cropped), CC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons, (no changes made)

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