Radical Republican aims to secure McCarthy’s removal

Republican Matt Gaetz wants to remove Kevin McCarthy from the position of Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives.

According to the Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland, Gaetz has already submitted a relevant proposal. He accused the Republican Speaker of the House of Representatives of collaborating with Democratic President Joe Biden instead of advocating for Republican interests. This accusation stems from the recent budget dispute, where McCarthy, with the support of Democrats, prevented a government shutdown over the weekend. As a result, Congress was able to pass a temporary budget until mid-November.

A vote on the removal can be prevented with counterproposals

However, Gaetz’s motion does not automatically result in McCarthy losing his position. It requires a majority vote in the House of Representatives. Votes can still be prevented with counterproposals, which the Congress will have to consider in the coming days. McCarthy recently expressed confidence in his victory and stated that he would never give up and would overcome this resistance as well. So far, there is no opposing candidate that different factions within the party could agree upon. McCarthy was elected to the position in the 15th round of voting and had to make significant concessions to the far-right wing of his party to secure their support for his election.

Image: Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America, Kevin McCarthy (50549126662), CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons (no changes made)

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