Resistance within the Country: Attack in St. Petersburg

In Russia, there have been several arson attacks on local conscription offices again, as reported by the German news platform According to media reports, security forces in St. Petersburg arrested a 75-year-old woman accused of setting fire to a car in front of the army’s recruitment center.

Further attacks were reported in the Caucasus and on the illegally annexed Crimean Peninsula in the Black Sea in recent days. On Tuesday, the Russian Telegram channel Shot reported arson attacks on two Russian military offices in Perm in the Urals and in the city of Prokhladny in the Caucasus.

On Monday, a district military replacement office in the city of Podolsk, located about 20 kilometers south of Moscow, was reportedly attacked twice on the same day, according to Shot. Also on Monday, a 70-year-old in Obninsk, about 70 kilometers further southwest, threw a firebomb at the local military authority, according to local media reports.

These statements have not yet been verified or confirmed by independent sources. Therefore, they should be considered with caution. In war, it can be advantageous for conflict parties to deliberately spread false information to strengthen their own position or weaken that of the opponent.

Image:, Vladimir Putin (24.06.2023), CC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons (Image size changed)

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