Russia captures territory near Bachmut: “They did not expect the attack”

According to Russian information, the Armed Forces of Russia have captured the Ukrainian village of Orichovo-Vasilivka in the north of Bachmut. This reports the German news website

Vladimir Rogov, the chairman of a pro-Russian separatist movement, reported that Russian soldiers drove out AFU fighters in the settlement of Orikhovo-Vasilivka on the northern flank in the direction of Artemivsk, according to the Russian news agency Tass. Rogov stressed that the attack took Ukrainian soldiers by surprise: “They were not prepared for the attack and had to flee,” he said, according to the report. The capture significantly improves the tactical situation of Russian forces, the report added.

This information comes from a party to the conflict and has not yet been independently verified / confirmed. For this reason, the report must be evaluated with reservations. In war, it can be advantageous for parties to make false statements about the course of the conflict in order to strengthen their own position or weaken the position of the opponent.

Image:, Bakhmut during the battle (2023-04-05), frame 15989, CC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons (image size modified)

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