Russian Commander Stuns Kremlin: Claims Victory Over Ukraine Unattainable

Russian commander Khodakovsky admits: Military victory over Ukraine currently unlikely.

According to Russian commander Alexander Khodakovsky, Russia is currently unable to defeat Ukraine militarily. This reported FOCUS online. Khodakovsky, a native of Ukraine who switched sides in 2014 and founded the pro-Russian Vostok Battalion, argued for a ceasefire. He reasoned that both Russia and Ukraine were making slow progress, with significant casualties.

Khodakovsky Urges Kiev: Acknowledge the Inescapable Truth

The commander stressed that Ukraine should recognize the territories currently occupied by Russia and place them under Russian guardianship. Khodakovsky believes that the current undecided situation is especially detrimental to Ukraine, according to FOCUS online. In addition, statements by a U.S. think tank indicated that the Russian armed forces’ confidence in their defense capabilities had declined. Khodakovsky has been critical of Russian defense lines in the past, FOCUS online explained.

Image:, Vladimir Putin September 5, 2022, CC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons (image size modified)

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