Russian Commanders Accused of Trading Soldiers Like Goods, Leaving Families Distraught

Exposed: Russian Commanders Accused of Trading Soldiers to Mercenary Groups as Ukraine Bolsters Leadership.

Emerging reports indicate that Russian field commanders are allegedly selling conscripted soldiers to private military firms. Germany’s FOCUS Online, referencing the Russian news outlet Vazhnye Istorii, disclosed that a soldier was reportedly sold to the firm “Redut” for 25,000 roubles (approximately 272 US dollars). The soldier’s mother claims that Colonel “Kozhanov” sold her son, who had been assigned to two military units, to the sabotage assault brigade known as “Veterany” (Redut PMC).

Persistent Grievances from the Regiment

This incident isn’t isolated, as family members of soldiers from the 1440th Mobilized Regiment have expressed grievances before. FOCUS Online reported in May 2023 that several complaints were lodged when parts of the regiment were allegedly transferred to the “Veterany” brigade.

Ukraine’s Leadership Shuffle

In a related development, FOCUS Online notes that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyi has appointed a new leader for the Ukrainian special forces. The president introduced the newly appointed head, Lupanchuk, in a video message, describing him as a seasoned officer poised to enhance the efficacy of the special forces.

Image:, CC BY 4.0, Vladimir Putin in Patriot Park (2018-09-19) 02.jpg, via Wikimedia Commons (Image size changed)

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