Russian military helicopter flies to Ukraine – and entire crew surrenders

A Russian Mi-8 military helicopter has flown into Ukrainian territory and surrendered with the entire crew. This is reported by the media project NEXTA via the X network, formerly known as Twitter.

According to the post, the pilot of the helicopter is said to have deliberately crossed the border to surrender and hand over the equipment to Ukraine. His family is said to have been brought to Ukraine before the event. The helicopter is said to have possibly had spare parts for Su-30 aircraft on board.

Initially, this information has not been confirmed by the Russian side. However, according to NEXTA, military media close to the Russian Air Force state that it was a navigation error and that the pilot “got lost”.

NEXTA is a media project based in Warsaw. It positions itself against the regime of Belarusian ruler Alexander Lukashenko and publishes information not only on Telegram but also on YouTube, X and various other channels.

Image:, Vladimir Putin (24.06.2023), CC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons (image size modified)

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