Russian Ministry of Defense: Ukraine attacks Moscow

According to the Russian Defense Ministry, on the morning of August 21, 2023, they intercepted two Ukrainian drones over the Moscow region. This reports The Kyiv Independent.

According to the Russian Defense Ministry, a drone was neutralized with the help of electronic warfare. It crashed near Pokrovskoye, a place about 80 kilometers from the Russian capital Moscow. The second drone was shot down over the northwestern district of Istra, which is even a bit closer to Moscow. According to Andrei Vorobyov, the governor of the Moscow region, falling debris damaged a country house near the town of Istra. Two people werde injured. Rescue workers are on the scene, assures Vorobyov.

There are no statements on the incident from the Ukrainian side yet. The Kyiv Independent states that it has not been possible to independently verify the information provided by the Russian Ministry of Defense. For this reason, the information should be evaluated with reservations. In war, it can be advantageous for parties to the conflict to deliberately spread false information in order to strengthen their own position.

Image:, Putin and Shoigu (2022-08-15), CC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons (no changes made)

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