Preparations for a visit by Ukrainian President Zelensky are apparently already well advanced.
According to the Times of Israel, citing news reports from Channel 12, preparations for an upcoming visit are already at an advanced stage. Two weeks ago, the Ukrainian president offered to visit Israel, but Israel considered this premature due to the war in its early stages.
November 6 or 7
According to several Israeli media outlets, Zelensky is apparently scheduled to visit Israel on either November 6 or 7. His arrival and photo with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, President Isaac Herzog and other Israeli leaders would “send a message of the enlightened world that is under attack and stands against the less enlightened world that is attacking”, according to a TV report.
Image:, Президент вручив ордени “Золота Зірка” Героям України та рідним загиблих захисників, удостоєних цього звання посмертно 24, CC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons (Image size changed)