Success for Ukraine: air defense system in Crimea destroyed

According to information from Ukrainian intelligence sources, Ukraine has destroyed a Russian air defense system in Crimea. This reports the German news website

A source within the Ukrainian intelligence service familiar with the incident stated that the system was stationed near the city of Yevpatoriya and was attacked during the night by drones and missiles of the Ukrainian Security Service and Navy. According to military bloggers, the S-400 “Triumf” system, which is said to be worth $1.2 billion (1.17 billion euros), was hit. Russia reported that it shot down eleven drones over the peninsula annexed in 2014 during the night.

This information comes from a party to the conflict and has not yet been independently verified / confirmed. For this reason, the report must be evaluated with reservations. In war, it can be advantageous for parties to make false statements about the course of the conflict in order to strengthen their own position or weaken the position of the opponent.

Image: Number 10, Volodymyr Zelenskyy addresses Parliament (52676732611), CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons (image size changed

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