Taurus cruise missile: Germany to be urged to hand over to Ukraine

As Ukraine comes under increasing pressure due to its difficulties in the offensive against Russian occupation forces, pressure is also mounting on Chancellor Olaf Scholz to agree to the delivery of Taurus cruise missiles.

“Now that some in the SPD are also in favor of delivery, we should think about a parliamentary initiative to increase the pressure on the Chancellor’s Office,” Roderich Kiesewetter, a CDU defense policy expert, told the Süddeutsche Zeitung. In this way, the CDU/CSU coalition and the SPD, 90/The Greens and FDP parties could jointly ask the Chancellor to authorize the delivery of cruise missiles capable of hitting targets up to 500 kilometers away. This reported the German news platform n-tv.de.

“It is overdue that we also provide Ukraine with the Taurus cruise missiles,” Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann, chairwoman of the defense committee in the Bundestag and member of the FDP, stressed in her statement for the SZ.

Image: president.gov.ua, CC BY 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons (image size changed)

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