UK Ministry of Defence: Russia Launches Largest Offensive in Months

Every day since the escalation of the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine in February 2022, the UK Ministry of Defence publishes its assessment of the situation in the conflict. On October 18, it warns of a Russian offensive.

On the network X, formerly Twitter, the UK Ministry of Defence writes: “Russian offensive activities on the Kupiansk-Lyman axis have significantly increased over the past two weeks. Russian shelling has intensified, and elements of the Russian 6th and 25th Combined Arms Army (CAA) and the 1st Guards Tank Army have conducted attacks, albeit with limited success. It is highly likely that this activity is part of an ongoing Russian offensive conducted on multiple axes in eastern Ukraine. The objective of the Russian Ground Forces (RGF) on the Kupiansk-Lyman axis is likely to push west to the Oskil River to create a buffer zone around Luhansk Oblast. The RGF has been building its combat capabilities towards Kupiansk-Lyman in recent months. However, the Ukrainian forces maintain a significant defensive presence on this axis, and it is highly unlikely that the RGF will achieve a major operational breakthrough.”

Image:, Vladimir Putin (2022-09-05), CC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons (image size modified)

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