The satellite, which the Ukrainians acquired last year through a crowdfunding campaign, offers the country’s armed forces “numerous advantages,” according to the Ukrainian Military Intelligence Service (HUR), as the German news platform reports.
According to Ukraine’s Military Intelligence Service (HUR), the ICEYE satellite allows Ukraine to “receive important information for combat operations on a daily basis.” In particular, the satellite played an “extremely significant role” in the Sept. 13 attack on Sevastopol, which hit a Russian landing craft and submarine. According to British intelligence, the landing craft was “functionally destroyed” and the submarine suffered “catastrophic damage” in the attack.
HUR emphasizes that one year has now passed since the satellite was provided to Ukraine, and thanks all who contributed to the campaign donation.
This information comes from a party to the conflict and has not yet been independently verified / confirmed. For this reason, the report must be evaluated with reservations. In war, it can be advantageous for parties to make false statements about the course of the conflict in order to strengthen their own position or weaken the position of the opponent.
Image: Kora27, Large landing ship of Project 775 Olenegorskiy Gornyak (Olenegorskiy Miner), CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons, (no changes made)