Ukrainian Armed Forces Change Tactics: No More Reliance on NATO Maneuvers

Ukrainian troops, trained to NATO standards by the U.S. and other allies, have apparently changed tactics in light of the tenuous progress of their own counteroffensive.

This reported citing a New York Times report. Commanders prefer to refrain from sending soldiers into heavily shelled minefields. Instead, they are trying to wear down Russian troops with artillery and long-range missiles, the newspaper said, citing U.S. officials and independent analysis. The change in tactics is particularly noticeable in southern Ukraine, it said, where Western-trained troops are currently operating, launching smaller attacks to break through Russian lines.

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President Volodymyr Zelenskyy denounces the circumstances and practices in Ukrainian recruitment centers as “disgusting.” As reported, an investigation into the recruitment centers had revealed numerous outrageous abuses. Zelenskyy said in his evening video address that he had a long conversation with Interior Minister Ihor Klymenko and the head of Ukraine’s security service, Vasyl Maljuk, on the issue. In the future, he said, the centers should be staffed by people who themselves had experienced what the war meant and understood the value of protecting Ukraine. Above all, corruption is still an issue; the head of a recruitment center in Odessa was recently arrested. In order to be allowed to enter the EU, Ukraine must take a tougher stance against corruption.

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Image:, Working visit of the President of Ukraine to Kharkiv region 49, CC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons (image size modified)

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