Ukrainian Drones Spark Disruption in Russia: Oil Depots Ablaze and Moscow Airports in Turmoil

Amid escalating tensions, drones, reportedly of Ukrainian origin, have stirred significant unrest within the Russian heartland. An oil facility in the Oryol region suffered substantial damages following a drone incursion, whereas Moscow’s air transit hubs witnessed substantial delays due to a separate drone-related incident.

In a detailed report by ntv, it was revealed that an oil depot in the Oryol region became the epicenter of a fiery blaze subsequent to a Ukrainian drone assault. While the Russian media has relayed the extent of the damage based on authoritative sources, reassuring statements have emerged from regional leadership. The Oryol governor emphasized that the drone’s impact site was distant from populated areas, thankfully averting any casualties.

Drone Alerts Stall Airports; Mayor Verifies Shootdown

Meanwhile, Moscow’s aviation infrastructure experienced a bout of chaos. Another report from ntv divulged a “drone alert” that resulted in logistical complications at Moscow’s trio of primary airports. Corroborating the aerial disruptions, the state-centric TASS news agency relayed news of aerial strikes in the capital region. In a subsequent development, Moscow’s Mayor, Sergei Sobyanin, verified that post the drone sighting over the Istra district during the early hours, another Ukrainian drone met its end over Ramensky. As of now, ntv states that no definitive information has surfaced regarding any collateral damage or injuries stemming from this occurrence.

Image:, Construction of Vnukovo metro station (September 2022), CC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons, (no changes made).

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