Vacation with dog: Which destinations are suitable?

Dogs are great companions. They are loyal, loving and always ready for new adventures with their masters and mistresses. It’s no wonder that people love to take their four-legged friends everywhere, including on vacation. However, while many vacation spots are not suitable for dogs, there are a number of destinations that are perfect for a vacation with your darling.

Beach vacation with dog

Whether you want to relax on the beaches of the Atlantic or Pacific, there are many places that are perfect for a beach vacation with your dog. There are more than 30 beaches on the East Coast that have been cleared specifically for dogs. Many of them also offer open areas to play and explore. If it’s a little further afield, you and your dog can also look for vacation destinations on Mediterranean or Atlantic beaches. Outside the high season, however, the temperature is more comfortable for your dog and nice walks are also possible.

Camping with dog

Camping is another great option and probably the classic way to go on vacation with your dog. There are many campsites in Germany and on the Mediterranean that are specially designed for dog owners and their four-legged friends and offer all the necessary facilities. Many regions also have their own dog beaches and separate lounging areas for you and your darling. If you don’t want to camp on the beach, a trip to the mountains might be more suitable.

Mountain vacation: hiking with dog

The German mountains offer a beautiful backdrop for a relaxing vacation with your dog. And the neighboring Austria is in no way inferior in terms of nature and excursion possibilities with your dog. Here you will find peace and relaxation away from the stress of the big city and can go hiking together or sit around the campfire. Many mountain inns offer accommodation to every guest – even animals – so that you can relax comfortably with food and drink after hiking.

City vacation: city trip with dog

Even in the larger cities of Germany, you usually get your money’s worth as a dog owner – provided you have the necessary budget for it! There are many hotels in metropolitan centers that offer accommodation to guests with dogs; so you can stay active together in the urban environment – you and your dearest leisure partner!

Tips for a relaxing vacation with dog

If you want to take your dog with you on vacation, you should consider a few things. We have put together a few tips so that you and your four-legged friend can enjoy the vacations in a relaxed manner:

When booking accommodation, pay attention to whether dogs are allowed and whether and what additional costs are incurred. Note not only the price-performance ratio, but also the conditions that apply to pets, in some accommodations, for example, dogs are only allowed in certain rooms. So it’s best to find out in advance exactly what the rules are, so that there are no nasty surprises afterwards.

Plan your arrival and departure with your dog carefully. It can be very stressful for your four-legged friend, especially on longer journeys. Therefore, plan enough breaks so that your dog can get loose and move around in between. Take enough food and water for the trip and your favorite toys for in between. A little play during a break can help your dog relax. If your dog is generally stressed about driving, practice driving with him ahead of time and specifically look for ways to reduce that stress. For example, a crate can help your dog relax more.

No matter which destination you decide on, inform yourself in advance about the local conditions. For example, does the dog need certain vaccinations? Is the entry only possible from a certain age? This applies, for example, to most European countries. In many countries you can not enter without a complete rabies vaccination, which is only possible from a certain age. Remember to bring a first-aid kit for your four-legged friend and ask your vet for advice in advance.

As you can see, there are some exciting possibilities to travel together with your dog. If you follow a few tips, nothing will stand in the way of an unforgettable vacation for you and your darling.

Image by marymarkevich on Freepik

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