Victory for Putin: Moscow reports destruction of three unmanned Ukrainian boats

The Russian Ministry of Defence has reported that Russian naval forces in the northern part of the Black Sea, off the Crimean Peninsula, have destroyed three unmanned Ukrainian boats.

As reported, citing the English Guardian, the Ministry wrote on Telegram: “Anti-sabotage missiles and bombs struck the area where the unmanned boats were detected.” Accordingly, an anti-mine and an “anti-sabotage” operation were conducted off the port of Sevastopol, home to the Russian Black Sea Fleet. In the course of these operations, the three unmanned boats were apparently destroyed. However, it remains unclear if there were any casualties or damages. Kyiv has not yet commented on Moscow’s statements.

These claims have not yet been verified or confirmed by independent sources. Therefore, they should be treated with caution. In war, it can be advantageous for parties involved in the conflict to deliberately spread misinformation to strengthen their own position or weaken the enemy’s.

Image:, Совещание по развитию дальневосточных городов (2023-03-14) 01, CC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons (image size modified)

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