Video: Explosion in Turkish port

Several people were injured in an explosion at a Turkish port as the German news website reports.

According to state broadcaster TRT’s reporting, rescue services and security forces rushed to the port area, which is located about 75 kilometers southeast of Istanbul. The cause of the explosion at a grain depot is so far unclear, but it is believed to have occurred during the unloading of wheat from ships. Videos have appeared on social media showing a detonation and a dense cloud of smoke (Click here for the video).

It should be noted that in mid-July Russia had cancelled the agreement on the shipment of Ukrainian grain, which had been concluded through the mediation of the United Nations and Turkey. The grain route went from Odessa to the Mediterranean Sea via the Bosporus. Russian government spokesman Dmitry Peskov said in Moscow in July that the parts of the agreement concerning Russia had not been fulfilled. He added that they would, however, reinstate the agreement once Russian conditions were met. The crux of the matter revolves around Western sanctions, which Russia believes prevent it from processing payments for Russian agricultural exports. Despite the Kremlin’s comments, Turkish President Erdogan expressed optimism about an extension. Erdogan expressed in the past, “I firmly believe that my friend Putin wants to continue the agreement despite the […] statement,” as the German news website cited.

Image: Flickr, CC0 license, via Pexels (image size changed)

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