Washington Post and Spiegel: Ukrainian Colonel Accused of Coordinating Attack on Nord Stream Pipeline

Ukrainian Colonel accused of coordinating Nord Stream attack, denies any involvement.

According to reports from the Washington Post and Der Spiegel, Ukrainian Colonel Roman Chervinsky is accused of coordinating the attack on the Nord Stream pipeline, as reported by the independent, opposition Russian news platform Meduza. Chervinsky, currently detained in an internment camp in Kyiv, denies any involvement in the act. Meduza cites information claiming that Tscherwynsky led a group of six people to plant explosives on the pipelines using deep-sea diving equipment.

Chervinsky Followed Orders from Higher Officers

Further, Meduza reports, citing the Washington Post and Der Spiegel, that Chervinsky did not plan the operation independently but followed orders from higher-ranking officers. These officers were under the command of the Chief of the General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, Valerii Zaluzhnyi. Through his lawyer, Tscherwynsky has stated that the allegations about his involvement are merely Russian propaganda with no basis.

Strongest Evidence Yet of Ukrainian Involvement in the Attack

The Washington Post’s report indicates that Chervinsky’s involvement provides the most direct evidence yet of a connection between the leadership of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and Security Service of Ukraine and the Nord Stream attack. This act is viewed by Western officials as a significant attack on Europe’s energy infrastructure. According to Meduza, this case also reveals the complex dynamics and internal rivalry within the Ukrainian leadership.

Zelensky Allegedly Unaware of Attack Plans

Meduza continues, citing the Post and Der Spiegel, that according to US intelligence, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky was not aware of the sabotage plans. It is suspected that all involved in the planning and execution reported directly to General Staff Chief Zaluzhnyi without informing Zelensky.

Furthermore, Chervinsky is currently detained for abuse of power for allegedly attempting to persuade a Russian pilot to defect to Ukraine, which failed and led to an attack by Russian forces. This incident is also mentioned in Meduza’s reports.

Image: Lämpel, Nord Stream stop, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons, (no changes made)

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