Weather Woes at the Front! Mud and Storms Slow Down Ukrainian and Russian Forces

Merciless weather slows down warfront: Both sides battle mud, storms, and harsh conditions.

Poor weather conditions are markedly slowing down the pace of combat operations for both Ukrainian and Russian forces along the entire frontline, yet operations have not come to a complete standstill. According to Lieutenant Colonel Volodymyr Fityo, a spokesperson for the Ukrainian Ground Forces Command, Russian forces are actively utilizing aviation in the Bakhmut direction whenever weather conditions are favorable. Fityo noted that the weather has not significantly impacted Russian artillery fire in the same region, as reported by the Institute for the Study of War (ISW).

Strong Winds Restrict Russian Drone and Artillery Use in Bakhmut and Zaporizhia

Further information from the ISW indicates that Russian military bloggers, or milbloggers, have reported strong winds in the vicinity of Bakhmut and in western Zaporizhia Oblast. These conditions have reportedly hindered Russian forces from deploying drones and artillery in the past two days. Additionally, light rain has allowed Russian forces to conduct aerial reconnaissance near Verbove, but muddy terrain has posed challenges for infantry and wheeled vehicles advancing in western Zaporizhia Oblast. The ISW cites a milblogger stating that Russian forces are restricted to moving on tracked vehicles due to these conditions, while Ukrainian forces continue robust artillery fire despite the adverse weather.

Mud Halts Ukrainian Vehicles, Spurs Infantry Tactics in Zaporizhia

The ISW also references reports from Zaporizhia Oblast occupation official Vladimir Rogov. On December 2, Rogov highlighted footage showing muddy roads along the Robotyne-Novoprokopivka-Verbove line in western Zaporizhia Oblast, claiming these conditions have nearly immobilized Ukrainian wheeled vehicles, leading to infantry-only attacks by Ukrainian troops. Rogov further shared footage of a rat and mouse infestation in a Ukrainian trench in Zaporizhia Oblast, attributing this to the cold weather in the region. This ongoing situation underscores the significant impact of weather on military operations in the region.

Image: Ukrinform TV, Ukrainian Army troops fighting on the outskirts of Kreminna, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons, (no changes made)

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