Attack on major Russian city: residents should not leave their homes

The NEXTA media project reports via the Network X, that on Sunday morning a drone attacked the Smolensk aircraft factory.

The NEXTA media project claims that local authorities lied and claimed that all drones had been destroyed. “The mayor of Smolensk, Alexander Novikov, appealed to all residents of the city to leave residential buildings only in case of emergency and to refrain from trips outside the city,” writes the NEXTA media project. In addition, it posts a video purporting to show the incident. You can see a flying object / drone, which flies over the place of recording. A few seconds later, a loud bang is heard. On another recording, filmed by residents from a high-rise building, a loud bang can also be heard.

Smolensk is a Russian city in the Smolensk Oblast of the same name near the border of Belarus and has over 300,000 inhabitants.

NEXTA is a media project based in Warsaw. It positions itself against the regime of Belarusian ruler Alexander Lukashenko and publishes information not only on Telegram but also on YouTube, X and various other channels.

Image:, Putin and Shoigu (2022-08-15), CC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons (no changes made)

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