Flames several meters high: Russian gas pipeline explosion

In the Saratov region of Russia, a gas pipeline has caught fire as the German news platform n-tv.de reports.

This information was confirmed by Yuri Yurin, the head of the local civil protection in the region, in his Telegram channel. According to reports, near the village of Krasny Oktyabr in Saratov district there was a rupture and a fire at a section of the main gas pipeline called “Peschanyi Umet – Storozhevka”. There are no reports of casualties. Yurin stressed that gas supply to consumers is fully guaranteed, adding that a special commission will investigate the causes of the incident. The Saratov region is located about 820 kilometers southeast of Moscow and is about 570 kilometers from the Ukrainian border.

This information has not yet been verified / confirmed. For this reason, the report is to be evaluated with reservations. In war, it can be advantageous for parties to make false statements about the course of the conflict in order to strengthen their own position or to weaken the position of the opponent.

Image: Kremlin.ru, Vladimir Putin (2022-09-05), CC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons (image size modified)

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