Heavy blow: Ukraine destroys 15 Russian tanks

Ukraine has reportedly destroyed 15 Russian tanks within a matter of hours. This information is reported by The Kyiv Independent, citing the morning update of the Ukrainian General Staff.

In its update, the Ukrainian General Staff explains that they have eliminated 360 Russian soldiers within the last 24 hours. This brings the total Russian losses since the escalation of the Russian invasion in February 2022 to a cumulative figure of 279,440. Additionally, Russia has lost 9,008 (+8) armed vehicles, 8,932 (+23) vehicles and tankers, 4,732 (+15) tanks, 6,565 (+40) artillery systems, 5,080 (+20) drones, 801 (+3) multiple rocket launchers, 315 aircraft, 316 helicopters, 1,529 cruise missiles, 540 air defense systems, 20 boats, and one submarine. Ukraine seldom provides information about its own losses.

These figures come from one party involved in the conflict and have not been independently verified or confirmed. Therefore, they should be regarded with caution. In times of war, it can be advantageous for parties involved in the conflict to deliberately spread misinformation to bolster their own position or weaken that of their opponent.

Image: Kremlin.ru, Vladimir Putin (24.06.2023), CC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons (image size modified)

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