Israel Conflict: EU to Review Palestinian Aid

Following the Palestinian Hamas’ attack on Israel, the European Union has announced it will initiate a review of aid to Palestinians.

According to, the review will also investigate whether support for the population and the Palestinian Authority needs to be adjusted “in light of the changed circumstances on the ground,” according to a press release. However, humanitarian aid is expected to remain untouched. “In addition to the existing security mechanisms, this review is intended to ensure that no EU funding indirectly enables a terrorist organization to carry out attacks on Israel,” the authors continue. The review is to take place as soon as possible. The European Union claims to be the largest financial supporter of the Palestinian Authority.

Baerbock: It Would Be Fatal to Stop Supplying Food Aid

German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock stated in the German talk show “Beisenherz” that she wants to maintain the stoppage of payments for humanitarian aid. “Development cooperation and humanitarian aid are two different things,” said the Green Party politician. For her, it is clear that it would be, for instance, fatal not to supply any more food aid. She assured that the aid money would not flow into the financing of terrorist groups; this is being closely monitored.

Image: Dušan Cvetanović, CC0 license, via Pexels (image size changed)

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