Israeli Ambassador in Berlin: Hamas Solely Responsible for Suffering in Gaza

Israeli Ambassador Ron Prosor in Berlin has clear words for the current situation in the Gaza Strip.

Accordingly, the Israeli ambassador Prosor has assigned the entire responsibility for the suffering of civilians in the Gaza Strip to Hamas. In its fight against Israel, Hamas is acting with “truly cynical calculation” and is “completely indifferent” to the “well-being of its own population,” Prosor said in the “Interview of the Week” on Deutschlandfunk radio.

For the suffering of the civilian population in the Palestinian territory, “Hamas and the Hamas leadership are responsible – no one else,” the ambassador further emphasized. The Hamas attackers had done “worse than the ‘Islamic State'” in Israel. No one who has done these acts has the right to continue living”.

Hamas wants to wipe out Israel

With the attacks, Hamas would also show that its announcement of wanting to wipe out Israel was not mere “chain rattling.” “This ideology must be destroyed in no uncertain terms,” he said. The large-scale Hamas attack last Saturday was “the darkest day in Jewish history,” he said.

Image: Adi Cohen Zedek (עדי כהן צדק), Herzliya Conference 2016 2231, CC-BY-SA-3.0, via Wikimedia Commons (image size adjusted)

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