Moscow Launches Intercontinental Missile at Russian Peninsula

According to the Russian Defense Ministry, a successful test of an intercontinental missile of the Bulava type (NATO code: SS-N-32), which can be equipped with nuclear warheads, was conducted.

The missile launch took place underwater from the newly built nuclear submarine “Tsar Alexander III.” in the White Sea east of Finland, as reported by the German news platform Merkur. The missile then struck a training ground on the far-eastern Kamchatka Peninsula, the ministry announced on Sunday. This vast peninsula extends to the farthest eastern part of Russia and is surrounded by three seas: the Sea of Okhotsk to the west, the Pacific Ocean to the southeast, and the Bering Sea to the east.

This marks the completion of the test phase for this new strategic Borei-A class nuclear submarine, as reported by the German news website Everything proceeded according to the intended plans. Of these cruisers, three are currently in active service, one is undergoing tests, and three more are still in production, the Defense Ministry announced. A year ago, Russia conducted a similar test with the nuclear submarine “Generalissimus Suvorov.”

Image:, CC BY 4.0, Vladimir Putin in Patriot Park (2018-09-19) 02.jpg, via Wikimedia Commons (Image size changed)

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