Putin’s Armored Units Decimated! ‘White Wolves’ Deliver Ruthless Blow

Ukraine’s special forces unit “White Wolves” has recorded significant successes against Russian tanks. A tactical advantage in the conflict?

Amid the ongoing Ukraine war, Russia is suffering heavy tank losses at the hands of a Ukrainian special forces unit called the White Wolves. As the Mercury reports that this unit specializes in destroying Russian tanks. The number of Russian tanks presumably destroyed is considerable.

According to information from the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) cited by the Mercury, the White Wolves claim to have destroyed a total of 216 Russian Army tanks since February 2022. In total, it is highlighted, Russia has lost over 4000 tanks in the Ukraine conflict. The cited SBU figures are consistent with Newsweek reports that a tank regiment consists of 94 vehicles, with a regiment consisting of three battalions, and each battalion comprising between 31 and 40 tanks.

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The specific tactics of the White Wolves are characterized in particular by the use of drones, the Mercury reports. Drones have been a crucial tool for the success of the Ukrainian armed forces since the beginning of the Ukraine conflict. They would not only attack tanks in open terrain, but also those in hiding.

In addition to the White Wolves’ use of drones, the Mercury highlights that Ukraine recently destroyed a “Terminator 2” tank that had previously been considered nearly indestructible. It remains to be seen how the ongoing situation will continue to be affected and whether the losses will impact the future course of the conflict.

Image: Mil.gov.ua, UA army Autel EVO II (2), CC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons, (no changes made)

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