Severe Explosion in Russian Headquarters

According to the Ukrainian military intelligence, an explosion in the Russian-occupied southern Ukraine killed at least three Russian officers, as reported by the German news platform

The detonation, as stated by the military intelligence, occurred at the “headquarters of the occupation” in Melitopol and resulted from an action by the “local resistance movement,” as mentioned in a message on Telegram. The incident affected the premises of the “New Post Office” captured by the Russians, where a meeting of the occupiers was taking place, with FSB officers reportedly present. Melitopol, the occupied Ukrainian city, plays a significant logistical role for the Russian army.

According to the report of the Ukrainian Defense Intelligence, the Russian forces blocked traffic between the Melitopol Auto-Hydroaggregat (AGAT) company and the former refrigeration plant an hour before the scheduled meeting. Both industrial facilities have been repurposed by the Russian occupiers into military bases. As a result of the explosion near the headquarters, a vehicle caught fire. The intelligence service is currently investigating whether there were additional fatalities due to the explosion. So far, Russia has not confirmed the attack by Ukrainian resistance fighters.

Image:, CC BY 4.0, Vladimir Putin (23-04-2021).jpg, via Wikimedia Commons (no changes made)

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