Both Ukrainian and Russian sources agree that Ukraine has made a “tactically significant” push along two lines of attack toward the southern coast. This reports The Kyiv Independent.
Specifically, Ukrainian troops have captured 16 to 20 kilometers of territory, writes The Kyiv Independent, referring to data from the U.S.-based think tank Institute for the Study of War (ISW). The ISW concludes that this advance would weaken Russian defenses overall and increase the chances of a breakthrough.
Locally, the two advance routes run through Robotyne and Staromaiorske.
Thy Kyiv Independent further writes that Ukraine is fighting a tough battle in the south against Russia’s dense minefields and well-fortified defensive lines.
In recent weeks, however, there had also been repeated critical voices doubting whether the widely announced Ukrainian counteroffensive would be able to achieve its goals. The Washington Post, for example, reported concerns within U.S. intelligence circles.
Image: Presidential Executive Office of Russia, Visit to joint staff of military branches involved in special military operation 04, CC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons (image size modified)