The EU accession negotiations for Ukraine are slowly getting underway. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, however, hopes for a swift decision in this regard.
“We expect no gifts, but I would like it to be noted that we are a country at war,” said Zelensky, according to Tagesschau in Kyiv, at a press conference with EU Council President Charles Michel. For the Ukrainian president, the start of accession negotiations would be a step in the right direction and a “motivating and mobilizing decision.” The country is ready to meet all EU requirements. “We have done everything we could, and the rest will also be done.”
Zelensky emphasized that a positive response from the European Union would help Ukrainians believe in the existence of justice. Michel assured both Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova of his full support for a rapid start to the accession negotiations. The EU Council President said it was the EU’s “moral duty” to give Ukraine a positive response.
Image:, Президент вручив ордени “Золота Зірка” Героям України та рідним загиблих захисників, удостоєних цього звання посмертно 31, CC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons (Image size changed)