Weapons of the USA are “properly used” in Ukraine

The weapons that the U.S. government has provided to Ukraine are being properly used in the country.

This was said by the spokesman of the U.S. State Department Matthew Miller at a press conference according to The Kyiv Independent. According to him, there are no known cases of weapons falling into the wrong hands. Since January 2021, the U.S. has invested more than $44.5 billion in Ukraine, including more than $43.9 billion since Russian forces invaded the country. The most recent security package represents $325 million and was announced Sept. 21. The package included $128 million in new weapons and equipment and $197 million in military assistance under previously approved deductions.

U.S. has important accountability mechanisms in place

“We have important accountability mechanisms in place for U.S. weapons and U.S. military assistance that we provide to Ukraine,” Miller said. “We have strict monitoring mechanisms in place. That’s also true for the humanitarian and economic assistance we’ve provided. And we have not seen any diversion of those weapons so far,” the U.S. State Department spokesman said.

Image: President Joe Biden and President Volodymyr Zelensky in the Oval Office of the White House 2.jpg, The White House, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons (image size changed)

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