Zelensky: Demilitarization of Crimea should be politically advanced

In an interview with Ukrainian television, Ukrainian President Voldoymyr Zelensky indicated that he could envision a negotiated settlement for Crimea.

According to n-tv.de he said, “If we are on the administrative border with Crimea, I believe that it will be possible to politically advance Russia’s demilitarization on the peninsula.” Asked by the moderator why he had recently said that he was not sure whether to talk about military deoccupation of Crimea, he replied that there would be fewer casualties that way. “I think it would be better that way, especially for those who will make it happen. Any war involves casualties,” Zelensky continued.

Critical voices are also raised against strategy

However, according to the Washington Post, there are critical voices in the Ukrainian army. The way to serious negotiations could be paved by moving artillery and missile systems to the border. “Russia would negotiate only if it senses a threat to Crimea,” the newspaper quoted a senior Ukrainian official as saying. Even then, Zelensky told U.S. broadcaster ABC News, “Most likely, Putin will be forced to seek dialogue with the civilized world should Ukraine reach the administrative border with Crimea.”

Image: president.gov.ua, Президент вручив ордени “Золота Зірка” Героям України та рідним загиблих захисників, удостоєних цього звання посмертно 24, CC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons (image size modified).

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