Airstrike on Crimea: Russian fleet fights back

Mikhail Raskhozhaev, the Russian commanding officer of the port city of Sevastopol, has stated that Russian units intercepted missiles over Crimea.

On his Telegram channel, he writes: “Our fleet is repelling air attacks in the area around Sukharna Balka” and confirms the downing of a missile, as reported by the German news website The Russian Ministry of Defence in Moscow, on the other hand, reports two downed missiles. The Telegram channels Crimea Wind and Crimea Realities report an explosion in the bay of Sukharna Balka on the peninsula. According to reports, at least four Russian ammunition depots are located near the site of the explosion.

These claims have not yet been verified and/or confirmed by independent parties. For this reason, they should be considered with caution. In war, it can be advantageous for conflicting parties to deliberately spread false information to strengthen their own position or weaken that of the opponent.

Image:, Joint exercises of Northern and Black Sea fleets (2020-01-09) 22, CC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons (image size modified)

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