Russian TV threatens Germany: “Do nuclear weapons scare you?”

Television host Vladimir Solovyov is one of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s main propagandists to justify the war of aggression against Ukraine. His Sunday night program with Vladimir Solovyov on Rossiya 1 reaches millions of people.

Like the former Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, Anton Herashchenko, reports, Solovyov has now turned on Germany with a threat. He refers to the recent bicycle accident of German Chancellor Olaf Scholz: “And you, German Nazi heirs, do not indulge in illusions. We will never forgive you anything,” Solovyov begins his threat. “And then there’s the fact that Scholz has already fallen into the mud – probably because his legs are already shaking with fear. Even though, haven’t even begun to take care of you yet. But we will. Do nuclear weapons scare you? We have many weapons that are enough. Think of the nuclear ones.”

Solovyov threatens numerous countries with military invasions and nuclear strikes. Among other things, he spreads the lie that the Butcha massacre was staged.

Image:, 2020 Vladimir Solovyov, CC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons (image size modified)

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